The TERRɅ INITIɅTIVE consists of a utility-scale solar project with a nominal capacity of 160 MW, which has been developed in association with the Arhuaco indigenous community of Colombia. This initiative entails the construction of six solar plants and three new indigenous towns, which will provide education, health, and livelihood to approximately 1,000 Arhuaco people. In turn, these solar plants will be transferred to the indigenous community after the 25th year, while during the first 25 years of operation each kilowatt-hour sold by the plants will grant the Arhuaco People an environmental fee that will help preserve more than 120,000 hectares of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, identified as the most irreplaceable nature reserve in the world.

ɅLMɅ MɅTER represents a sustainable educational partnership carried out together with the University of Panama, which includes a large-scale solar project with a nominal capacity of 40 MW, making the largest university in the country the first public university in Latin America to cover their entire energy demand through renewable sources. The solar plant, which will be transferred to the University after the 20th year of operation, will provide funds close to $30 million to support research and development programs, scholarships, internships, renewable energy courses, and the acquisition of laboratory equipment, among others.

Power markets with a high incidence of Hydro power generation create very disruptive pricing and supply volatility. In turn, Distributed Generation, provides:
Greenwood Energy started operations in Latin America in 2014. Today we have a very experienced team that has a deep understanding of regional regulations, as well as robust technical and financial knowledge.